Our Impact
The drive behind the founding of Con Mi MADRE stemmed from a statistic that a Latina baby had less than a 1% chance of obtaining a college education. Initially named the Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program (HMDP) in 1992 as a project of the Junior League of Austin, the program set out to create positive change in the lives of young Latinas by empowering them to earn a college education. In 2008, the HDMP transitioned into its own organization, adopting the name Con Mi MADRE, becoming a freestanding and independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
From inception, Con Mi MADRE’s focus has been on helping young Latinas graduate from high school, enroll in college, and successfully earn a college degree. We believe and understand the importance of parent engagement in the educational process and intentionally engage mothers in every aspect of our programming. To date, CMM has assisted over 3,000 mother-daughter teams on their journey to and through post-secondary education. We are building our nation’s educated workforce and the next generation of confident and diverse female leaders.

With holistic programming and support Con Mi MADRE participants accomplish huge milestones!
97% High School Graduation Rate
75% College Enrollment Rate
93% College Retention Rate